It has been an interesting week, to say the least! Monday morning, Kevin didn't feel good, so I told him he could stay home. He is 12 now, and my father-in-law was going to be home, so I thought, "What the heck, I'll let him stay home." He had been complaining of a stomach ache for a couple of days. But at the same time, spent the weekend at my father's house, went four-wheeling, went with my Dad to work and rode in the truck, jumped on the trampoline, etc. As I am getting ready to head out the door to go to work, Kevin started saying his stomach hurt so bad, and I did a double take, he was all pale and not looking so good. I called my boss, whom I told I would not be to work. I showed up at the Doctor's office, un-announced (I work at a Dr. office, and I can tell you that I absolutely hate when people do this, unless it is warranted.)and they sent us to the hospital to get a sonogram of his right upper quadrant. That was negative. So, I called the doctor's office and they suggested that if he was in that much pain, still, to take him to the emergency room. So we walked over to the ER and Kevin was seen and they gave him a prescription for his bowels to calm down(they were spasming and causing him to not digest his food) and we were told that he needs to see a GI doctor. So we get through the rest of the week, the med is helping a lot. No complaints from him since he started this med.
Last night, Kevin fell off his bicycle onto his hand. He came in the house at about ten o'clock, my kids had a four day weekend, and were outside being kids. He told me he hurt his hand. I looked at it, told him to get some Tylenol and go to bed. I didn't think anything of it until this morning when he got up and his thumb was twice the size it should be. Billy took him to the emergency room for the second time in four days to have some xrays done. I figured it was just sprained. NOPE!! Broken thumb, broken in 2 places. So they splinted it, and told Billy to have a surgeon look at it next week. I called, and they were of the opinion that he needs to see a hand surgeon. I asked her how she knew that, and she told me that they can look at the hospital records and xrays through a portal on the computer. Pretty neat! She made a special appointment for Kevin first thing Tuesday morning, as they are closed Monday for the holiday. They are hoping the swelling will go down before then, so that they can take a closer look and xray it some more. I am hoping that he just needs a cast, and not surgery. Now the kicker of this is that a 12 year old boy is not supposed to do a thing with that hand until Tuesday. Nothing, Nada, hold still, don't move it. How the heck does a doctor expect a kid to not do anything for four days??? It's not going to happen. At the moment, he is outside playing tag with the boys, Jayson, and my two nephews, Aric and Marshal. When I got home from work, he was in the creek with the boys, Billy had plastic bagged his splint that is wrapped with an ace bandage over it. You tell me.....can I keep this kid down? Nope, even when it is throbbing, he is out there having fun and being a kid, not complaining.
The other photo is Kaylie, today, taking her very own car for a trip to Burger King. This was the first time she has gotten to drive it, Billy went and put it on the road for her today.
My poor husband. Between the hospital, a trip to the DMV, a trip back to La Fayette to have his uncle sign on the right spot of the form for the DMV, back to the DMV again, and dealing with Kevin and his hurting hand, I think he has had it!! He looks like a train ran him over!!
All in all, I am glad this week is coming to an end. Holy Cow!! I would like to pass on the drama button to someone who has a boring life...Any takers????
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